Texas electricity relief program coming to an end

 The stay on electricity disconnections is about to expire in Texans for more than 600,000 customers who signed up for a special protection program back in the spring.

The program designed to keep the lights on even for customers who found they couldn’t pay their bill due to consequences from COVID-19. It ends on Oct. 1.

It was never intended to be a payment forgiveness program. Instead, it’s was meant to help customers buy some time and defer their bills while keeping the power on during the hottest months of the year.

And that’s the key – payment deferment.

People who are not currently up to date on their bill and who have not already negotiated a payment plan will need to take action.

Retail electric providers are required to work with people who request to be enrolled in a payment program. But there are steps consumers must take first.

The biggest is to make a good faith payment of up to half of the outstanding balance. Electric providers are not allowed to ask for more than 50% payment and even that figure is negotiable.  

If an electric provider is planning a disconnect, they are still required to send a notice by either mail or email.
