Parents concerned with lack of crossing guards at Northeast Dallas school

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Crossing guards are noticeably missing from at least one Dallas elementary school. It's a massive void left by mismanaged agency, Dallas County Schools.

Dallas ISD parents say a change at Kiest Elementary School in Northeast Dallas is downright dangerous after crossing guards were pulled and sent to other locations.

The move comes as Dallas County Schools, which was dissolved in November, prepares to hand over management of crossing guards to the city of Dallas. It’s unclear exactly how many schools and crossing guards were reassigned.

The DCS Dissolution Committee spokesman called it a difficult decision, but parents at Kiest say that’s little consolation. 

Parents at Kiest Elementary School are holding their children’s hands a little tighter these days on the way home from school. 

“I don’t know about the other places, but this place is pretty dangerous,” said grandparent Teresa Brown

The school’s three crossing guards were reassigned last week. Parents say the now-unguarded intersection of Casa Oaks and Healy is an accident waiting to happen.

“We need her back because she’s saved plenty of kids out here lives from being hit by these cars that don’t know how to drive like that,” said grandparent Gretchen Cauich.

In August, the city of Dallas will take over managing the districts crossing guards at 153 Dallas schools. Until then, service continues to be run by the Dallas County Schools Dissolution Committee.

DCS Dissolution Committee Spokesperson Dale Kaiser says reassigning Kiest’s three crossing guards and others at different schools was a necessary move to cover more hazardous intersections where guards left the job.

“We understand a parent. Every intersection that our students have to cross is a concern and is critical,” Kaiser said. “And that’s why we are trying to resolve this situation as quickly as possible.”

Parents hope it’s sooner than later.

There are currently 31 crossing guard vacancies. The spokesman says the city has given authorization to fill those positions and are accepting applications. They plan to dispatch new crossing guards to the most hazardous locations first.
