COVID-19 relief funds still available for Texans’ energy bills

There is a mountain of money up for grabs to bail out Texas consumers who need help with their energy bills.

But some of those funds will get sent back to the federal government at the end of September if it is not spent.

"Whether it's your electric or your gas, even propane, it's for all your utilities," said Faye Skinner, Manager of Customer Advocacy, Atmos Energy.

The money, available through the Comprehensive Energy Assistance Program (CEAP), covers current and past bills and is paid directly to your provider.

"Even if they haven't qualified in the past, reach out and see if they qualify now," Skinner said.

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While the program funding will be renewed, the extra infusion of COVID-19 relief cash from the CARES Act expires at the end of September. So consumers are being urged to apply, even if they don't traditionally qualify.

"The CARES Act funding is set to expire on 9/30, so if those funds aren't spent by 9/30, those funds to go back to the federal government," Skinner said.

The amount of COVID-19 cash on the line is in the millions and assistance can be awarded by the thousands per customer.

To apply you should contact Atmos or your retail electric provider and they will direct you to a local energy assistance agency. People can also visit or call (833) 989-7368.

MORE: Consumer coverage

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