Rejected personalized license plates (Texas' Version): 'CKNBUTT,' 'ON1YFNS,' 'H4WKTUA'

DALLAS - Imagine pulling up behind someone at a red light and reading their license plate: "CKNBUTT," "L8R LSER", and "H4WKTUA." For some, they're punny. For others, it's a road trip pastime.
More than 2,300 custom license plates Texans tried to get printed were rejected by the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles in 2024 – and shared with FOX 4 News. Here are the 2023 rejections.
The yearly list has become a sort of tongue-in-cheek holiday staple at the end of the year for news coverage. Most of the submissions were too explicit to be broadcast on TV or included in the article. Instead, FOX 4 has combed through the list to find the best of the worst that we can comfortably share.
By far, the viral "Hawk Tuah" moment (we'll let you Google that story) inspired several drivers to try and get a variation of that on the back of their vehicle. In fact, there were 82 attempts – some clever, we might add. All were rejected.
Some of the other attempts: "M3NAC3," "R3DNCK," and "SHEDVL."
PHOTOS: Texas rejected these license plate ideas
What are the rules for personalized license plates?
TxDMV reviews your personalized plate pattern before your plates are manufactured and considers how the personalization may be viewed. When reviewing a personalized alphanumeric pattern, the TxDMV does not always consider the applicant’s subjective intent or declared meaning.
There are several reasons why TxDMV may decline a requested personalized alphanumeric pattern.
1. The alphanumeric pattern conflicts with the department’s current or proposed regular license plate numbering system.
2. The director or the director’s designee finds that the personalized alphanumeric pattern may be considered objectionable. An objectionable pattern may be viewed as:
- Indecent (defined as including a direct reference or connotation to a sexual act, sexual body parts, excreta, or sexual bodily fluids or functions. Additionally, the alphanumeric pattern "69" is prohibited unless used with the full year (1969) or in combination with a reference to a vehicle);
- Vulgar, directly or indirectly (defined as profane, swear, or curse words);
- Derogatory, directly or indirectly (defined as an expression that is demeaning to, belittles, or disparages any person, group, race, ethnicity, nationality, gender, or sexual orientation. "Derogatory" may also include a reference to an organization that advocates the expressions described in this subparagraph);
- A direct or indirect negative instruction or command directed to another individual related to the operation of a motor vehicle; 1/13/2023
- A direct or indirect reference to gangs, illegal activities, implied threats of harm, or expressions that describe, advertise, advocate, promote, encourage, glorify, or condone violence, crime, or unlawful conduct;
- A direct or indirect reference to controlled substances or the physiological state produced by such substances, intoxicated states, or a direct or indirect reference that may express, describe, advertise, advocate, promote, encourage, or glorify such substances or states;
- A direct representation of law enforcement or other governmental entities, including any reference to a public office or position exclusive to government; or
- A pattern that could be misread by law enforcement.
Check if your license plate idea is available
The cost of a personalized license plate ranges from $50 to $570. You can go to the agency's website and submit your personalized plate configuration to see if it's available – or if someone got to it first.
How do you dispose of a license plate in Texas?
Your Texas license plates are yours to keep. Should you choose to recycle your old Texas plates, cut them into pieces and place them in the recycle bin. This will prevent fraudulent use of the plates.