Taylor woman charged with performing sex acts on dog

In a shocking story out of Taylor, a 30-year-old woman has been charged for allegedly having sex with her dog after her ex-boyfriend said he discovered the disgusting act caught on video.

Brittany McClure was arrested this week for sodomy and animal abuse against the couple's dog, Max.

We want to warn you, the rest of the details are disturbing.

According to police, McClure's boyfriend turned the woman in after finding the act on surveillance cameras set up in the living room of the home.

According to Det. Philip Collop, the man said he caught his ex on camera inside the home they share.

"In that video, it shows defendant Brittany McClure lying on the living room floor on a mattress with a blanket. She opens the blanket and calls the dog over," Collop said in court on Wednesday. "She is heard saying ‘good boy’."

He analyzed the 6-minute-long video and ultimately secured charges against her for sodomy and animal abuse with Max listed as a victim in the report.

Lt. Frank Canning has been on the job for more than two decades and has never seen anything like this. 

"(It was) plain as day: his ex-girlfriend performing fellatio on their dog named Max and her attempts to get Max to reciprocate," Canning said. "Kind of an interest in fetish stuff that was seen on the internet. I don't know that any justification could justify these acts. She did own up to performing these acts on Max."

The dog was not hurt and Canning said is back in the care of her ex-boyfriend. 

She was ordered not to have any contact with animals and the judge set a bond at $100,000. Police said McClure said this was the only time she had done this.

"Thankfully, the video was captured I would hate for this to become a regular thing for Max," Canning said.

The cameras were installed by McClure's ex-boyfriend for surveillance reasons. 


Brittany McClure, 30, was caught on video performing sex acts on the family dog, police say.