Electric rental scooters could return to Dallas soon

The Dallas City Council will vote on a plan to bring back electric rental scooters.

The city ordered rental companies like Uber, Lyft and Bird to cease operations in 2020 due to safety concerns and public complaints.

The scooters were being abandoned on sidewalks and users weren’t following the rules.

RELATED: Dallas mayor questions city's decision to end electric rental scooter program

New rules would include limiting the number of scooters and where they can be used.

Users would also have to send a photo to the rental company to prove they left the scooter properly parked or face a $20 penalty fee.

The scooters would be shut off by the rental companies remotely at 9 p.m.

Companies that take good care of their scooters and keep them cleaned up would be allowed to have more scooters in the city.

If the city council approves on Wednesday, the scooters could return by October.