Denton County to allow immunocompromised people to receive third dose of COVID-19 vaccine

Denton County Public Health will now allow those who meet certain eligibility criteria to register for a third dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.

Those who are immunocompromised or may require additional protection against COVID-19 can now sign up to receive a third dose of the vaccine in Denton County.

This comes after the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices and CDC recommendation Friday.

"Denton County Public Health will begin offering third dose vaccinations to individuals who may require additional protection against COVID-19 through their initial two dose series. People with severe immune system limitations may be at further risk," stated Dr. Matt Richardson, DCPH Director. "Our online system is now able to support pre-registration for all eligible community members for this newly-authorized third dose."

MORE: Coronavirus Coverage

The recommendation for those to receive a booster shot are those who are already fully vaccinated and have at least one of the following medical conditions or receive at least one of the following medical treatments:

Been receiving active cancer treatment for tumors or cancers of the blood

Received an organ transplant within the last 2 years or are taking medicine to suppress the immune system

Moderate or severe primary immunodeficiency (such as DiGeorge syndrome, Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome)

Advanced or untreated HIV infection

Active treatment with high-dose corticosteroids or other drugs that may suppress your immune response

CLICK HERE for more information and to sign up for a COVID-19 vaccine in Denton County.

Denton CountyCoronavirusCoronavirus Vaccine