Biden making new moves on guns, including naming ATF boss

Just hours before a mass shooting in Bryan, President Joe Biden took a number of executive actions to address gun control.

RELATED: Bryan mass shooting leaves 1 dead, several others critically injured; suspect in custody

He called them a first step, mostly on fringe issues, and called on Congress to take further action.

Gun rights advocates said Biden’s gun reform announcement will have little impact on the gun violence issue.

"Gun violence in this country is an epidemic," Biden said.

President Biden and the White House referenced the recent mass shootings in Atlanta and Boulder, Colorado while announcing multiple executive actions on gun laws.

While he claims they will prevent gun violence, there was no mention of anything specific in the actions that would or could have prevented the mass shootings.

"Every day in this country, 316 people are shot, every single day. 106 of them die, every day," Biden said.

Some of the executive actions would target homemade guns that lack serial numbers, also known as "ghost guns," regulate pistol stabilizing braces, and push the Department of Justice to publish a model for Red Flag Laws that are supposed to keep guns out of the hands of people in crisis.

"None of those measures will stop mass shootings," said David Prince, with Eagle Gun Range. "How many ghost guns have been used in mass shootings, none."

Price does not agree with actions that come from Thursday’s announcement.

Biden did say the pistol stabilization brace was allegedly used by the shooter in Colorado.

Experts say it basically makes a handgun more accurate.

But there are no other notable attacks where a shooter used that accessory.

Biden also called for Congress to do more, like passing universal background checks and closing what some call the "Charleston loophole."

"We should also ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines," he added.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott tweeted that "Biden is threatening our 2nd Amendment rights," and claimed the announcement was a "power grab to take away our guns."

Prince claims the background checks period won’t stop someone who wants to commit violent acts.

"The Charleston loophole, three days vs. ten days. Who says ten days is enough, they are going to go for 30 days. Three days is plenty long. I, as an FFL dealer, will not proceed, I chose to not proceed. If I do not get an FBI background check, I will not sell that firearm," he explained.

But Prince also thinks a neighbor-to-neighbor sale should remain legal without a background check.
