Storms again for SOME (Not all)

The "window" for storms is open...but will close shut by next week!

Sct'd. storms are ongoing this AM, esp north of DFW. They will diminish as partly sunny skies return PM with highs in the mid 90s and muggy air. Just a low chance for one to pop PM, with the Heat Index 103ish.

New storms will form tonight in Oklahoma and head SE. They will again impact areas NW first, then possibly areas from DFW north Sat AM before dying out. Highs will again pop into the mid 90s.

By Sunday, high pressure starts to build in. Initially, we'll see a few clouds and highs still mid to upper 90s, but as the ground dries out next week and the HIGH builds...temps will head toward 100 and even OVER by the end of next week. This could be a fairly long dry stretch on the way....
