Dallas Weather: Monday officially the hottest day of the year so far in North Texas

We’ve officially reached the hottest day of the year so far in North Texas.

Some areas saw a high of 107 degrees on Monday. It was just one degree shy of last year’s record of 108 degrees.

MORE: Dallas-Fort Worth Weather

Excessive Heat Warnings will stay in effect through at least Monday night. There’s also a Pollution Watch in effect.

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The only good news is the fact that the humidity levels will be low. So, there won’t be much of a heat index on Monday.

7-Day Forecast

A weak front is expected to come in from the east, dropping temperatures back down to close to 100 for the rest of the week.

There’s a very minimal chance for a late day-evening storm on Tuesday. Coverage is less than 10%.

Then, on Wednesday, the front stalls. That’s the only day we might dip below 100 in Dallas and the eastern counties. Fort Worth and the western counties will likely still be at or above 100.

Thursday and Friday are back to near 100 across North Texas.

Tired of the heat? Just remember, it could always be worse.

Last summer, we had a total of 26 days with 105+ temperatures.

Staying Safe in Summer Heat

Staying safe in the heat can be a challenge for people who have to work in it. Hydration is key.

Monday's skyrocketing temperatures meant enjoying the outdoors early.

Stephanie Felton and her friend met for an 11 a.m. lunch in Downtown Dallas. They snagged a table in the shade.

"It's supposed to get a lot hotter later, so we tried to get out early to try and enjoy the sunshine before it gets miserable," she said.

Down the street, dozens of construction workers were tasked with pouring concrete. Their supervisor says his crews start at 6 a.m. so they can wrap up earlier in the day before the hot temperatures peak.

So far this month, Dallas Fire-Rescue has responded to 86 heat-related calls.

To put that in perspective, during the same time period in last year's heat wave, DFR responded to 228 calls.

MedStar has run 224 heat-related calls so far this month.

With the grills and ovens on, the temperature inside can easily get 10 degrees higher than it is outside.

Whether you're working or playing outdoors, it’s important to stay hydrated.