Burleson bomb maker pleads guilty to firearm, child porn charges

A look into Noah Calderon's Google searches found several searches for the Columbine killers, Dylann Roof, the Charleston church shooter, and instructions on how to make various bombs. He also looked up the names of several local schools, according to investigators. 

Big Texas Bites

From big burgers to big pancakes food expert, Trey Chapman, shares some of the biggest and best bites in Texas.

Burleson ISD hires school safety officers for all campuses

The Burleson ISD School Board announced it’s finished hiring its first dedicated team of armed personnel for elementary school campuses. They’re called school safety officers, and there will be one dedicated for each campus.

Injured North Texas Army veteran gifted new, mortgage-free home

Ret. Army Specialist Jonathan Merchant has been living in this rented home in Burleson. On Saturday, the injured veteran will move to a brand-new ADA-modified home. The mortgage-free home will literally give him and his wife a new lease on life.