'Who's standing in the way?' Pelosi jabs at Trump, McConnell

Night 3 of the DNC was a show of strong women in politics, including Speaker of the House Pelosi who had the effective refrain: “Who’s standing in the way?” a direct jab at Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and President Trump.

DNC Day 2: Biden secures Democratic nomination

Democrats formally nominated Joe Biden as their 2020 presidential nominee Tuesday night, as party officials and activists from across the nation gave the former vice president their overwhelming support during his party’s all-virtual national convention.

Postmaster general Louis DeJoy to appear Friday before Senate over mail delays

Trump has flatly denied he was asking for a slow-walk of the mail. But his newly-installed postmaster, a Republican donor with no previous postal management, is facing pressure by Democrats to halt any changes as millions of Americans prepare to vote by mail during the COVID-19 crisis. Demonstrations are being held Tuesday in several cities.