Texas student athlete sets world record for 100 meter dash

He’s been referred to by some as "White Lightning". Local track star, 18-year-old Matthew Boling of Strake Jesuit College Prep here in Houston, is now the fastest high school kid in America.

He just made history by setting a new high school track 100 meter dash record, clocking in at 9.98 seconds, only .4 behind Usain Bolt, who is considered the fastest man in the world. 

He was so fast that his time of 9.98 seconds would have put him in seventh place during the 2016 summer Olympics. 

Now, the whole world wants to get to know all about the Houston sprinter. 

Hard to believe that he just started running in seventh grade and prior to last month, he hadn’t competed in the 100 meter dash since then. 

As amazing as he is in that race, that’s not even his favorite want to run. It’s the 200 meter. 

He’s headed to the University of Georgia in the fall to run track there, but his focus is on the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo.