Women big rig drivers celebrated during expo in Dallas

Women big rig drivers were celebrated in Downtown Dallas.

The Accelerate Conference and Expo is being put on by the women in the trucking organization. They are pushing for women to join the industry or further their careers in the trucking industry.

It comes at a time where drivers are in desperate need to help alleviate strains on the supply chain.

Attendees say trucking is not the male-dominated industry people think it is, and jobs are not limited to just truck driving.

"You don’t have to have the traditional careers anymore. Transportation opens up a barrage of other opportunities," said Laura Hays, regional sales manager for Great Dane. "Whether it’s behind the wheel, safety, a dispatcher, someone that works on the equipment, a technician, someone selling the parts, someone building them of someone selling them, it could be any facet of the industry. "

Also unveiled at the event was the Women in Trucking's ambassador truck nicknamed "WIT-Ney." The truck will travel the country with a female driver encourages women to join the industry.