Thousands view saint's relics at Dallas Catholic church

Thousands of people lined up in Dallas on Tuesday to see the relic of the youngest canonized saint in the Catholic Church.

St. Maria Goretti arrived at St. Monica Church in Dallas on Tuesday morning for a viewing scheduled to last until 11 p.m.

An estimated 8,000 people had viewed the relics since doors opened at 11 a.m. Each person got about 15 seconds each to visit with the remains. The relics are Goretti's bones preserved in wax in the likeness of a child.

Maria Goretti was 11-years-old in 1913 when she was stabbed to death by a neighbor who tried to sexually assault her and she refused his advances. She later forgave him on her death bed.

This was only the second time the relics left Italy to go on tour. The 54 city U.S. tour started Sept. 20 and continues for 10 more days.
