Tent City filled with hundreds of Dallas homeless to close

Dallas area charities are beginning the task of relocating some 400 homeless from the so-called Tent City near downtown Dallas.

Within months of its creation, the area under I-45 housing Tent City became the largest concentration of homeless people in Dallas.

The city announced plans Thursday night to close the encampment in May after the second murder there in a month earlier this week. Various groups are now working with the tent city homeless on a case-by-case basis to help them find new living situations.

“It used to be real nice down here... Well, I shouldn't say nice, I'm homeless. But I mean it was comfortable. You could put your head down and not hear gunshots or people screaming. But now, you've got murders happening,” said Tent City resident Paul Darrow.

Charity groups said people wanting to help the Tent City homeless should contact them to see what they can do and not make the problem worse by handing out food and supplies at Tent City.