Ted Cruz, Bill Clinton campaigning in North Texas
DALLAS - Republican presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz will spend the day Monday trying to win votes in his home state of Texas and he started in Dallas.
Cruz spelled out his conservative vision for a crowd of supporters at Gilly’s in Downtown Dallas around 11 a.m. Gov. Greg Abbott and former Gov. Rick Perry were also at the event to support him.
“I want to tell you. I want to give every one of you a word of hope and encouragement. America is waking up,” he said.
Cruz believes America is at a constitutional crossroads. He said country is in danger of losing its Second Amendment gun rights and losing its religious liberty. He also wants a massive overhaul of the nation’s tax system that would grant more freedom to individuals and businesses.
“And if you want to see the economy take off, take the boot of the federal government off the backs and the necks of small businesses,” he said. “And we will pass a simple flat tax where every American, we can fill out our taxes on a postcard. And when we do that we should abolish the IRS.”
Cruz finished third in Nevada, South Carolina and New Hampshire. But the latest polls show him ahead of frontrunner Donald Trump in Texas.
“I believe he’s going to try to accomplish the goals that he’s set forth, starting with the immigration, drug interdiction, human trafficking and protecting our constitutional rights. That’s the most important thing,” said Troy Hartwell, who supports Cruz.
“I think he’ll represent all people. I’m an Asian American and I believe Ted is the right person to lead this country. And I believe that he is the man that can change Washington D.C.,” added Herman Martiff, another Cruz supporter.
Cruz took a few shots at Trump, saying that Trump is not a true of illegal immigration. He pointed out that Trump has hired foreign workers for one of his resorts and funding politicians who supported legalization and citizenship as recently as 2013.
The candidates are fighting for 155 delegates in Tuesday’s Texas primary. Texas is one of 11 states sending voters to the polls for Super Tuesday.
Former President Bill Clinton will also be back in North Texas Monday campaigning for his favorite Democratic candidate – his wife, Hillary.
The rally for Hillary Clinton will be at the Tarrant County College’s Trinity River Campus in Fort Worth. Doors open at 11 a.m.
Clinton leads rival Bernie Sanders in most polls heading into Super Tuesday. She plans to campaign in Massachusetts and Virginia for the next two days.