Some North Texas cities offering incentives to receive COVID-19 vaccine

Those who desperately wanted the COVID-19 vaccine have likely already received at least one dose. 

The focus now shifts to those who don't see the vaccine as a priority. So what better way to reach herd immunity than incentives like cash. 

The demand for COVID-19 vaccines is dwindling in parts of North Texas.

This weekend, Parkland is closing its once-popular Eastfield College Campus vaccination site due to low turnout.

So cities, pharmacies and even governors are offering incentives to get more people vaccinated.

As demand for the COVID vaccine continues to go down in North Texas, some cities are coming up with clever ways to motivate more folks to get vaccinated.

On Friday, the city of Dallas is teaming up with the Dallas Mavs to offer the one-dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine before game 3 against the Clippers at the AAC. They'll do it again on Sunday.

READ MORE: Details released on COVID-19 vaccination events outside AAC before Mavericks playoff games

Dr. John Carlo with the Texas Medical Association isn't surprised by this new, incentivized approach to COVID vaccinations as supply is outpacing demand. He says it's an important step towards herd immunity.

"I don't think it's a bad idea to offer incentives as well. Whatever it takes to increase our vaccination rate, I think that's the right answer," he said.

Dr. Mark Casanova with the Dallas County Medical Society agrees.

"The things that we can do within reason to help them give them a little nudge and reassurance that not only are the vaccines safe they're effective," he said.

On June 1, CVS will begin a sweepstakes in response to vaccination hesitancy by giving away cash and trips.

According to the most recent CDC Household Pulse Survey COVID-19 Vaccination Tracker, 17.6% of adults 18 years and over are hesitant about receiving a vaccine.

Ohio resident Abbigail Burgenske was one of them, but not anymore. She is the first winner of Ohio's vax-a-million lottery.

While Texas does not offer a vaccine lottery, New York and Maryland both jumped on board after Ohio.

Ohio Governor Mike Dewine says his state's lottery, which also includes college scholarships, is working.

"We've seen the number of people get vaccinated go up about 45%," he said. "We were going down, now we're moving up."

For Friday’s vaccination clinic outside the AAC, you don't need to pre-register. You also don't need to be attending the game.

CVS will post the rules to its sweepstakes on its website in the coming days.

Coronavirus VaccineCoronavirusDallas