SMU police officer buried at DFW National Cemetery

The SMU police officer who died when his car was swept into Turtle Creek in Dallas was buried Monday.

Officer Mark McCullers is a Marine Corps veteran and received military honors at DFW National Cemetery.

Draped in an American flag, the casket carrying McCullers' body was saluted by dozens of local law enforcement officers, many of whom took part in the search for McCullers' in the days and weeks after he disappeared.

There was a 21-gun salute and McCullers' wife was then presented with an American flag.

"He's home, I'm blessed and thankful that they never gave up and all of the searchers stayed so dedicated and we brought him home and that's the most important thing because he deserves to be home," wife Tiffany McCullers said.

Rev. Steve Poarch told family and friends that McCullers led a servant's life, had a heroes send off and will have a heavenly reception.

McCullers was working a private security job on July 5 when a storm caused the water in Turtle Creek to rise up around his car. Grainy surveillance video shows his Dodge Charger being swept into the creek.

Divers found his car a few days later, but found no sign of his body. His remains were finally recovered downstream in the Trinity River last week.

McCullers and his wife had six children in their blended family, including an 18-year-old son who started classes as a freshman at SMU last week.