Shred Day: Destroy your sensitive documents for free

Grab those piles of papers. It’s time to shred them.

The free Comerica Bank and Iron Mountain Shred Day is this Saturday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Mercer Business Park, located on the northwest corner of Interstates 35 and 635 in Dallas.

Shred Day is an opportunity for individuals, nonprofits, and even small businesses to securely destroy and recycle sensitive paper documents.


There is no limit to the amount of stuff people can bring. 

"We’ve done this event for a few years and one of the great things about doing it at the flagship Iron Mountain is that there are no limits," said Andrew Raines, the retail regional director for Comerica Bank.

Items that should be shredded include receipts, credit card applications, pre-approval offers, canceled checks, older income tax returns, medical records, and utility statements.

It all goes right into the shredding bins at the Iron Mountain facility as soon as it’s dropped off.

"They’re the industry leaders in sensitive information destruction. They’re right there at their facility. So there’s no middle man and you can sleep at night knowing those documents are gone and good," Raines said.

Other items like scrap paper and magazines are also accepted for recycling.

"Anything and everything paper-related that you don’t want laying around anymore. Clean out the business. Clean out the office at home," Raines said.

The items not accepted include CDs, flash drives, spiral notebooks, and binders.

There’s also a fundraising opportunity. People are encouraged to bring canned goods or non-perishable food items for the North Texas Food Bank.

FOX 4 is a proud sponsor of the event.
