Second suspect arrested for Arlington officer shooting

Victor Solorzano (left) and Edgar Solorzano, jailed for aggravated assault
DALLAS, TX - Dallas police announced the arrest Saturday of a second suspect for a shooting that wounded an undercover Arlington police officer.
30-year-old Victor Solorzano and his cousin, 23-year-old Edgar Solorzano, were jailed on charges of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. Police said each suspect was charged with two additional counts of aggravated assault, one for each officer who came under fire.
The shooting happened early Thursday morning in an Oak Cliff neighborhood where sources tell FOX 4 News three officers were conducting an operation as part of a federal drug trafficking task force. Sources tell FOX 4 the officer who was wounded may have been trying to place a tracking device on a vehicle. Dallas police said there was a brief verbal exchange with suspect Edgar Solorzano before the shooting started.
Witnesses said the officers fled the neighborhood in two vehicles. Police said the officers called for help and waited at a gas station a few miles away for an ambulance to arrive. The wounded officer had non-life threatening injuries. Arlington police said he was alert and in good spirits shortly after arriving at Methodist Medical Center.
Dallas police spent much of the day Thursday canvassing the neighborhood in the 2700 blk. of Wilbur St. where the shooting occurred. On Friday, they announced the arrest of Edgar Solorzano. Court records show police searched the home where Solorzano lived and found the rifle used in the shooting hidden in the rafters. Records show drugs were also seized from the home.
Dallas police did not reveal on Saturday how they determined Victor Solorzano's alleged involvement in the shooting. He was jailed on bonds totaling $1 million. Edgar Solorzano was held on bonds totaling $1.025 million.