Dallas ISD renames school after state senator Royce West
Dallas ISD renames school after Sen. Royce West
The Kennedy-Curry Middle School name is now being removed and replaced with the Royce West Leadership Academy.
DALLAS - A Dallas ISD school is being renamed in honor of longtime State Senator Royce West.
There was a ceremony at the school's campus in Southeast Dallas on Tuesday.

The Kennedy-Curry Middle School name is now being removed and replaced with the Royce West Leadership Academy.
"This moment is not lost on me, in terms of responsibility that has been bestowed on me," said West.
The original name was a combined tribute to President Kennedy and Doctor Milton K. Curry, the former president of the now-Paul Quinn College.
During today's ceremony, educators say this honor to Senator West is well deserved.
"This was the best decision that we've ever made," said Shirley Fisher, Sen. West's former teacher. "A promise made, a promise kept, a good investment."

Some groups fought the change, wanting it to remain.
The Dallas ISD board voted to move forward with the change this past December.