Funeral services held for good Samaritan killed by suspected drunk driver
Funeral held for good Samaritan killed by drunk driver
The woman who hit him is in jail facing charges but the driver of another vehicle involved is still out there.
DALLAS - Funeral services were held Monday for the 25-year-old good Samaritan hit and killed by a suspected drunk driver.
The woman who hit him is in jail facing charges but the driver of another vehicle involved is still out there.
People packed the Golden Gate Missionary Baptist Church in Dallas for a celebration of life for Donald Ray Collins III, affectionately known as Trey.

Collins was killed on his way home from work when he stopped to help people in a van who had an accident on I-30 near Second Avenue. He was hit by a suspected drunk driver.
Irma Nelly Martinez-Leal is now in the Dallas County jail.
His young widow, Elizabeth, is honoring her husband with an emotion-evoking liturgical dance tribute.
The crash that took Collins’ life started by a red tow truck that clipped the van, spinning it into oncoming traffic. That driver did not stop. Sheriff's deputies eventually located the tow truck but not its driver.

"He's always had a passion for people," said his father, Donald Collins Jr. "And as we can see today from the testimonies that everyone has had, just what a wonderful person he really was."
Collins was remembered for his smile, his happy spirit, his helping others, his love of family and how he adored his young daughter, Nola.
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Investigators with the Dallas County Sheriff's Office have found the red tow truck that caused a crash and fled the scene on I-30 in Dallas early Saturday morning, but are still looking for its driver.
Collins served as a Marine and served friends and strangers. The eulogist called his death his last act of service.
"Trey would want you to see him again. He would want you to join him in glory," said Rev. Dr. Jeffrey Parker. "But if you don’t have the believer’s confidence, you won't make it."
Collins will be buried at DFW National Cemetery.
The sheriff's department has been able to identify the tow truck driver who left the scene. Warrants are now issued for his arrest.