Personal health information from Denton County's COVID-19 vaccination clinics potentially exposed

Notices are going out to those who received COVID-19 vaccinations through Denton County about an incident potentially exposing private health information.

In July, the county was made aware of a vulnerability with the third-party provider it used for COVID-19 vaccination clinics.

It potentially exposed individual’s health data to anonymous public users.

MORE: Denton County News

Although the information may have been accessible, there is no indication it was misused.

The health information potentially impacted was COVID-19 vaccination data – including names, birth dates, email addresses and phone numbers.

The county never collected social security numbers, driver’s license numbers or financial account information.

"While The County is not aware of any actual or attempted misuse of information as a result of this incident, The County nonetheless encourages you to remain vigilant against incidents of identity theft and fraud by reviewing your account statements and monitoring your credit reports for suspicious activity," Denton County said in the announcement.

Anyone can request a free credit report by visiting or call 1-877-82228.

Denton County also has a hotline for people to call if they have questions or concerns. That number is 877-659-0604.