Parents weigh in on Fort Worth ISD's plan for in-person learning

Fort Worth ISD's superintendent recommended that students who choose to can return to in-class instruction starting Oct. 5.

The district's school board was presented plans for the return to in-person learning on Tuesday afternoon. Parents also got to weigh in.

One week after Fort Worth ISD students started back-to-school learning virtually, the school board is already talking about what to do next.

Superintendent dr. Kent Scribner said a recent parent survey showed about half of the district's 80,000 students are ready to return to in-person learning.

Dr. Scribner recommended a phased-in approach with all students who opt for in-person learning to return to their campus by Oct. 5.

Tarrant County Health Director Dr. Vinny Taneja briefed the board about the latest COVID-19 trends. He said he wants to see what the numbers look like from the Labor Day weekend.

“If it stays red over the next two to three weeks, then we need to really evaluate is it really a good idea to bring back everybody students and teachers for in-person learning,” Dr. Taneja said.

When asked by a board member, Dr. Taneja said he would not send his child back to school with the current COVID-19 trends.

“We're not comfortable sending kids back to school until there is a vaccine,” he said.

Parents and teachers were also part of the virtual discussion.

Alexander Montalvo, president of the Fort Worth Council of PTA's said his two daughters will continue with virtual learning no matter what the school board ultimately decides.

“Start the conversation is definitely positive and engaging the community around that conversation,” he said. “We've always advocated as PTAs that the decision should be in the hands of the local leaders. We're probably going to lend on the side of continuing virtual learning.”

The last day for parents to submit their survey to the district is this Friday.

Dr. Scribner says it vital the district get input from parents to help them plan for campus reopening. As of now, less than half have responded.

Organization Fort Worth-isdEducationUs Tx/tarrant County/fort-worth