North Texas teen with no health insurance battles aggressive form of cancer

A North Texas mother with no health insurance is in a race to save her son who is battling an aggressive form of cancer.

Wendy Weinman is self-employed as a legal assistant, but without self-purchased health insurance. She said she could not afford insurance costs.

“We've applied for emergency Medicaid. We've applied for Medicaid and social security disability. We've been denied for both Medicaid’s,” Weinman said.

Her son, Cody, 19, was diagnosed approximately six weeks ago with Chondroplastic osteo sarcoma, which is a combination of bone and cartridge cancer. The Weinman’s have already racked up over $329,000 worth of medical bills.

Cody lost his hair after his first round of chemotherapy. He’s back in the hospital and scheduled for additional rounds.

“We're trying to get in for our next round and we were originally told we need $35,000 for the next round of treatment,” Weinman said.

A Dallas attorney said the family’s situation is more common than one would believe.

“I think unfortunately this woman is in what I would call a dead zone. There's no coverage from the government, there’s no coverage basically in any private sense,” attorney Charlie Blau said. “She needs an advocate of some sort, I’m sure, but where do you go to find such an advocate?”

Cody's case highlights what’s wrong with health care, Blau said, which will keep it front and center in the 2020 presidential campaign.

“We could probably debate this another 24 to 36 hours and it’s still a broken system and that’s what needs to be said,” Blau said.

When Lauren Sutcliffe learned about Weinman's worry, she began planning the Race for Cody Bike and Car Show this Sunday at Lava Cantina next to Nebraska Furniture Mart in The Colony.

“I’m going to raise $35,000. We're going to get Cody in there the next day,” Sutcliffe said.

Weinman said she has a simple wish.

“To be able to get my son the treatment and help that he needs,” she said.

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