Newly-released body cam video shows police response to Dak Prescott dog bite

Newly released body cam video shows the careful response by Frisco PD after one of Dak Prescott's dogs bit off part of a woman's finger.

The Cowboys quarterback's friend and his father were apologetic when speaking with police. They understood as Animal Services seized Icon, who is now banned from the city of Frisco

With his rifle in hand, body cam video shows a Frisco police officer cautiously following two of Prescott's dogs running loose in the neighborhood back on February 25.

Officers responded to the exclusive gated community after a woman frantically called 911 to report that one of Prescott's dog's attacked her through her fence.

After the violent encounter, the officer with the rifle watched as the dogs eventually ran towards a familiar face. The man identified himself as Prescott's best friend and said the Dallas Cowboys quarterback was out of town. The friend was staying at the house.

The dogs were loaded into the back of an Animal Services truck. Icon was taken to a shelter where he would end up staying in quarantine for 16 days.

The Frisco police officer talked to the victim who was being treated in a nearby ambulance. The tip of her finger was bitten off.

Investigators with Frisco PD and Animal Services took pictures of the victim's broken fence.

Prescott's dad, who says he co-owns the dogs, showed up to the scene. He was apologetic and said the dogs, who have gotten out at least twice before, escape through an unsecure door.

Prescott and the city of Frisco eventually came to an agreement just days before a dangerous dog hearing was set to take place.

Icon was released from the shelter but can never return to Frisco. It's unclear where the dog ended up.
