Texas lawmakers look to close loophole in sex offender registry

The House Criminal Jurisprudence Committee encountered a loophole in a sex offender bill. The loophole allows someone with a history of predatory behavior not to be required to register as a sex offender despite it being a felony in the state of Texas. 

The Loophole

The backstory:

"My granddaughter was the most loving child I ever met. She loved everybody regardless of what you looked like or who you were," said grieving Grandmother Tabitha Munsch.

Munsch testified March 25 before the house criminal jurisprudence committee about her eleven-year-old granddaughter, Audrii Cunningham. Cunningham was taken and killed by Don Steven McDougal. In which, McDougal is now serving a life sentence for the kidnap and murder of eleven-year-old Cunningham.

READ MORE: Audrii Cunningham murder: Don Steven McDougal gets life in prison

Despite McDougal having a history of predatory behavior, he was charged with indecency towards a child in 2007 but accepted a plea of enticing a child. The loophole lies in the fact that the state of Texas does not require Mcdougal to register as a sex offender despite his crimes being a felony and sexual in nature.

What they're saying:

"Adding this offense to the list of crimes under the sex offender registry will strengthen penalties for this heinous act and equip the public with more information to protect themselves and their families from these sexual predators," said Rep. Trent Ashby (R-Lufkin).

Video Recording Crimes

Dig deeper:

The committee also heard about invasive video recording crimes, where people are recorded secretly in bathrooms, dressing rooms, and bedrooms. 
Invasive visual recording, the committee learned, is a crime increasing across the state. This conviction comes with a state jail felony but, like the child grooming offense, it does not automatically require sex offender registration.

"The first video that opened was a video through the air vent looking down through the cracks of the air vent into my bathroom. There I saw younger me in the shower, completely vulnerable, unaware of the monster above me," said Cailey Rush, a victim who found a voice recorder in her bedroom.

"Imagine walking into and changing in a dressing room and using a public restroom or even being in the comfort of your own home and completely unaware that someone is recording your most public moment." said the bill’s sponsor, Rep. Hillary Hickland (R-Belton).

The Source: The information in this article is provided by the House Criminal Jurisprudence Committee in the 89th Texas Legislative session.

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