Keller ISD reverses decision, allows 'The Laramie Project' school play to go on

A high school play that was canceled at a Keller ISD school is back on.

The decision to bring it back comes nearly a week after a show of support for the play from students and staff at Timber Creek High School.          

After a heated Keller ISD board meeting last week, theater students at Timber Creek HS didn’t hear anything from the district, so they assumed they may have lost this battle. 

Wednesday afternoon, they were surprised and excited when an email was sent out saying the district reversed its decision.

"I was in class and somebody came in the door saying it was back, and I was like, ‘Whoa, what,’" junior Brooks Moltenbrey said.

Word quickly spread across campus that The Laramie Project was back on after being abruptly canceled by the district last month.

At the end of the school day, an email was sent out saying, in part: "upon further consideration, the administration has decided to proceed as previously planned with the May performance."

"It was upsetting to hear it was canceled, but to hear that it’s back, it was a nice to hear. We did make it happen. We made a change," Moltenbrey said.

Moltenbrey and Alex Weatherred both showed up to last week’s Keller ISD school board meeting to speak out against the cancellation of the play.

"As leaders, you should be held to a higher standard. In a time like this, we need honesty and transparency," Moltenbrey said at the meeting.


Keller ISD cancels school play about gay hate crime victim Matthew Shepard

Keller ISD addressed the investigation into a film crew that was brought onto a school campus without permission by a now-former trustee. But at Thursday's meeting, much of the concern was over a new controversy brewing in the district: the cancellation of a school play about a hate crime victim's murder.

Dozens of classmates, other parents, and Timber Creek employees joined them. 

"I would like to be given a good reason why it was denied and revoked," another student said at the meeting.

The production of The Laramie Project is about the community aftermath of the 1998 murder of Matthew Shephard, a gay student at the University of Wyoming. 

All the district stated about the cancellation was the decision was made by multiple stakeholders, but no further reason was given.

"I think if one person showed up, they might have brushed it off, but with all of us speaking, they had to sit through it and think, ‘OK, these people do care. They aren’t just going to sweep it under the rug,’" Moltenbrey said.

Now, students will revisit the roles they were previously assigned. 

Weatherred wanted to thank his Falcon Theater teachers for their support during this fight. 

"Thanks to the directors and fine arts, and the Timber Creek admin, but they initially approved it and were all good with it. It was higher-ups that canceled it," Weatherred said.

Both students said the play was approved by Timber Creek back in October. 

The play will be the first week of May.
