Kaufman County considering curfew for minors to curb increased crime

Kaufman County may set a curfew for minors in an attempt to curb crime.

Many cities already have curfews but those rules are not in place for unincorporated areas of the county.

County leaders said juvenile crime has gone up significantly over the past three years. 

They want minors off the streets after midnight during the summer and after 11 p.m. during the school year.

"Because crime is up across the U.S., we want to help the youth of Kaufman County stay safe while they are out in the community in the late-night hours," said Kaufman County Judge Hal Richards. "We believe this curfew will help heighten awareness of the dangers of being exposed to criminal activity late at night."

There would be exceptions for emergencies, minors out with their parents and for things like school-related or job-related activities.

The proposed fine for those caught out after curfew is $100 for the first offense and $500 after that. Parents could also be cited.

"The purpose of the policy is not to arrest children, but it will allow a deputy to have contact with that child and ask questions," said Kaufman County District Attorney Erleigh Wiley. "We are going to notify parents if their children are out after midnight."

"Our parents told us back in the day nothing happens good after midnight," said Sheriff Bryan Beavers. "We’re just here to save kids’ lives and stop crime and violence in our county."

Kaufman County commissioners will hold a public hearing on the issue on July 20.