Body of Bedford man found in trunk of burning car in East Texas; 3 charged with murder
Bedford man murdered in East Texas; 3 arrests made
The victim’s family thought he was driving to East Texas to meet up with a girl. That’s when investigators say three people, including a teenager. were waiting to rob him. His body was found in the trunk of a burning car in a rural county road.
BEDFORD, Texas - Police say three people, including a teenager, lured a young man from Bedford to East Texas to rob him.
The North Texas man was murdered. His body was found in the trunk of a burning vehicle.
The victim’s family says he drove to East Texas thinking he was meeting up with a girl. That’s when investigators say three people were waiting to rob him.

Kameron Andersen’s mother tells FOX 4 her son left his Bedford apartment complex on August 31. That was the last time she would ever see him.
Hours later on September 1, the 20-year-old’s body was found in the trunk of his burned vehicle more than 150 miles away in East Texas.
An autopsy revealed Andersen had two fatal gunshot wounds.
The 20-year-old graduated from Trinity High School in Euless and then enrolled in Blinn College. He moved back to Bedford, where his family lives.

Three people are now charged with Andersen’s murder: 18-year-old Nathaniel Hall, 21-year-old Jasmine Williams and an unnamed 16-year-old.
Hall and Williams are dating.
On August 31, investigators say Andersen was texting Williams on Hall’s phone the entire drive east from Bedford to Troup, Texas, 20 miles outside of Tyler.

According to an arrest warrant affidavit FOX 4 obtained Tuesday, cell phone records placed both Andersen and Hall’s cell phones on the rural Rusk County road spot where the burning car was located.
Once in custody, deputies say Hall made a phone call from jail to his sister, telling her to "clean up."
Detectives interviewed Hall’s sister. She said the night of the murder, the three suspects "talked about doing a ‘rip,’ which means to rob someone."
Hall’s sister also told investigators she heard at least two gunshots coming from the back of the home that night.
Hall’s sister later admitted to detectives she "cleaned up casings from the shooting" and later "threw the casings out the window while she was driving."
South Texan arrested for Ennis ISD school threat
Ennis ISD said the person who made a vague threat against the school district has been arrested.
Over the weekend, sheriffs from Smith County and Rusk County held a joint press conference vowing to continue their pursuit for justice.
Investigators also say when Hall was arrested, he was in possession of a handgun and an AR-15. Both were determined to be stolen. They said some of the bullets from the crime scene matched the loaded bullets from inside the AR-15.