Woman who pistol-whipped man on DART train given probation
Woman who pistol-whipped man given probation
Kadejah Brown, who pistol-whipped a man on a DART train over the summer, has been sentenced to probation for the crime.
DALLAS - A woman seen pistol-whipping a man on a DART train over the summer has been sentenced to probation for the crime.
That comes as DART begins to weigh in whether a program to make trains safer is actually making them safer.
DART is spending more than $7 million on security officers to ride trains and try to cut down on crime.
Is it working?
New crime data has not yet been released.
Kadejah Brown will serve four years deferred probation after pleading guilty to aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.
The 29-year-old has been in jail since last June after FOX 4 aired video of her pistol-whipping a man while riding a DART train.
A viewer called FOX 4 and identified Brown as the suspect. DART police were then able to confirm it was Brown.
"Of course, safety and security is a very big push for DART," said Gordon Shattles, with DART.
Around the time of the pistol-whipping incident, DART rolled out a $7.5 million safety experiment to staff more than 100 armed security officers to ride most trains to assist DART and its police force of more than 200 officers already on the payroll.
"We are seeing, unfortunately, that increase in crime which was really a driving force behind the TSO program," Shattles said.
DART has yet to release end-of-year crime stats for 2023.
DART only paid for a one-year contract. Ultimately, crime numbers from 2023, compared to years prior, will likely reveal whether the investment is working.
DART will decide whether or not to extend the contract for a second year in May.
"And we really have to appreciate our riders who take the time, if they see something like this, to let us know," Shattles added.
FOX 4 viewers have let us know what they’ve seen. On top of violence, there has been visual evidence of repeated drug use.
"I started riding it probably like two years ago for school and back, then it was a lot worse," DART rider Jazmin Limon said.
Limon regularly rides the train. She feels safe, but said she’s prepared for almost anything.
"Just in case, it’s nice to have like a pepper spray or a Taser or something, but I’ve never had to use it," Limon.
Brown has been released from custody. If she does not violate probation, she’ll avoid conviction.
DART hopes to have the crime data released by the end of the month.