Immigration attorney says people being detained in North Texas

President Trump’s promised crackdown on illegal immigration is already having an effect in North Texas.

Immigration attorneys say people waiting for permanent resident status and have committed no crime are being detained in North Texas.

“Because this is a very, very new development we don’t know yet if a certain group of individuals are being detained or if this is going to apply across the board,” said immigration attorney Michelle Saenz-Rodriguez.

Other classes of immigrants, illegal and legal, have been detained since the president’s executive order. The order directs that people in the U.S. illegally who have been charged -- not convicted of a certain group of crimes -- to be detained.

While these actions have taken place under presidential executive orders, 16 legal immigrants who are green card holders have filed federal law suits against Dallas County alleging in the past two years unlawful detention after arrest.

“You should be able to post bond you should be released” Rodriguez said.

Some held as long as forty-five days for ICE agents.

“Under the tenth amendment of the constitution the federal government cannot direct states to do their job for them,” Rodriguez said.

That’s at the heart of Dallas County's welcoming communities resolution that calls on local law enforcement agencies to end non-essential collaborations with immigration and customs enforcement

Congressman Pete Sessions - like Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick - had stern words for Dallas County.

“If we want to become a sanctuary city or community it comes with consequences,” Sessions said. “If Dallas County wants to stand out it quite probably would cost them millions of dollars that I normally not only support, but go and get for them.”