Fort Worth to name official city bird

Eastern Bluebird

The City of Fort Worth will make a proclamation on Tuesday night, declaring an official city bird.

The Eastern Bluebird will be named as Fort Worth's city bird.

Fort Worth ISD says its students played a role in the choice.

Students from the district made arguments for different species.

Students from Westcliff Elementary argued the case for the Eastern Bluebird.

The Eastern Bluebird beat out the red-bellied woodpecker, great egret, red-shouldered haw, Carolina chickadee and the barred owl for the honor.

"I’m excited thinking about how our students were able to participate in a truly unique opportunity to use their scientific thinking skills to make history in our community. The project allowed students to engage in research, data collection, constructing explanations, and argumentation, all very important parts of being a scientist," Rocco Williams, Fort Worth ISD's K-12 Science curriculum coordinator, said in a statement.

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The district says the Eastern Bluebird "reflects the spirit of the city."

The proclamation will be made at Tuesday night's City Council meeting.

It begins at 6 p.m.

Fort WorthPets and AnimalsFort Worth ISD