Forney woman loses husband, two children to COVID-19

On the eve of Texas unmasking and businesses fully opening, a Forney woman is warning people not to let their guard down after losing her husband and two adult children to COVID-19 in a three-week span.

Charlotte Crawford is the only member of her immediate family still alive after her family was claimed by COVID-19. Her message: Don’t take the mask off, and get the vaccine when you can.

"In the last three weeks, I have lost my son, my husband and my daughter to corona," she said.

33-year-old Henry Roysce Crawford Jr., his 38-year-old sister Natalia Charoya Crawford and 65-year-old father Henry Roysce Crawford Sr. were all killed by COVID. The son was the first to get sick.

"For 21 days, my son fought corona," Charlotte said. "He would not let them put him on a vent. He wanted to do it on his own, and he lost his battle. My daughter, they had to vent her and she lost her battle."

Husband Henry Sr. was heartbroken his children were so sick with the virus.

"I think on one of his visits, he might have touched one of them. He ended up positive, and he succumbed to the virus also," Charlotte said.

The mother was the only one in the family that had been vaccinated. She knows the vaccine works, and it saved her life.

"I slept in the bed with my husband every night, and he had corona," she said. "Had I not had that shot, I would not be here either."

Charlotte is concerned about businesses opening 100% Wednesday and the mask mandate ending.

"I am not taking off my mask," she said. "I will continue to wear my mask. I will continue to wait."

Charlotte now lives with three tragic reminders of this deadly virus.

M. L. Dorsey is the family pastor.

"I don’t know why people think the coronavirus is not real. It is very real. It affects lives differently and things of that nature, but it has proven that it can be fatal," he said.

Charlotte is drawing strength from her reservoir of faith.

"I know that God is holding me. That the people are praying for me," she said. "I know that God has me in his hands, and that is the only way I’m getting through this."

Some key faith leaders and medical experts are gathering Tuesday at 6 p.m. in a virtual setting to discuss the importance of the vaccine. The call will include Bishop T.D. Jakes of the Potter's House and gospel artist Tamela Mann.


ForneyCoronavirusCoronavirus Vaccine