Ex-Subway pitchman Jared Fogle has gained 30 pounds in prison
The Subway diet doesn’t exist in prison for ex-spokesman and child sex convict Jared Fogle.
Fogle, who was a Subway pitchman for years after he lost 200 pounds eating the sandwiches, has put on 30 pounds behind bars thanks to a diet filled with cake and pastries. In Touch Magazine reported the details on Wednesday.
The magazine said a prison insider claims Fogle is stress-eating and is constantly being taunted by fellow inmates.
“Jared’s breakfast is usually Frosted Flakes with fruit or oatmeal with cake. He loves ‘cake day’ in the dining hall twice a week and he buys Honey Buns by the box, as well as other pastries, in the commissary on his weekly shopping day,” the source told In Touch. "He’s been known to eat an entire box of eight at one sitting!”
The prisoners at the Colorado Federal Correctional Institution have a bullseye on Fogle, who was convicted last year for possession of child pornography and having sex with teenage prostitutes.
“The inmate slapped him across the cheeks several times and made his face red. Jared just stood there stunned, then ran out of the gym,” said a prisoner recently released from the facility.
The prisoners call Fogle “Chomo” – which is short for child molester.
Fogle is less than a year into his 15-year sentence. Under federal law, Fogle must serve at least 13 years before he’s eligible for parole.