Eddie Garcia on staying in Dallas: 'This is my city'

We're hearing from Dallas Police Chief Eddie Garcia for the first time since the city reached an agreement to keep him in Dallas.

Houston and Austin Police were reportedly both interested in hiring Chief Garcia.

There was about a week of rumors, then on Thursday, the City of Dallas announced Chief Garcia had reached an agreement that should keep him here into 2027.


Police Chief Eddie Garcia reaches deal to stay in Dallas: 'Home equals Dallas PD'

In a short and simple post to social media, Chief Garcia wrote "Home = Dallas PD," solidifying his commitment to staying in Dallas.

Sunday, he shared part of the reason he made that decision.

"This is my city. We're going to fight for it. I want communities to know that we're here, I'm here. We're going to continue doing what we can to get Dallas to continue the trajectory we're on," Garcia said at a Shop with a Cop event on Sunday. 

Garcia took over the role in Dallas in 2021.

Since then, city leaders have credited him with reducing crime and improving morale.

"The difference I think there is in Dallas really comes down to the fact that we have tremendous support," said Garcia. "When you have that support, when you have amazing men and women who want to sacrifice, there's no limit to what can be accomplished."

The chief is not under contract because of the city's charter.

At the event on Sunday, Garcia and other Dallas Police officers helped kids from Hill Middle School in Dallas pick out clothes, shoes and more.

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"To be here and have kids see us in moments of non-crisis is the key," said Garcia. "This is why we do our job."

The event was put on by Nancy Lieberman Charities.

Dallas Police DepartmentDallas