Department veteran named new Dallas Fire-Rescue Chief

A veteran member of the Dallas Fire Department is taking over as chief.

Assistant Chief Dominique Artis, 48, was officially appointed to the position on Friday. He started with the department 23 years ago and has been moving up the ranks ever since.

Artis has served as lieutenant over fire control and rescue, captain of EMS administration and deputy chief of operations.

“I'm just peacock proud to be able to stand in front of you as the chief of this department,” Artis said. “I’m excited about the opportunity. I believe we have one of the greatest departments in the country. Our men and women, every day they come to work to make sure that the citizens of Dallas are served well and we provide a great service.”

Former chief David Coatney resigned last month after less than two years on the job. He's leaving to become director of the Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service, which oversees a statewide search and rescue team.
