Denton County judge tests positive for COVID-19

Denton County’s top elected official is home under quarantine after recently testing positive for COVID-19.

Denton County Judge Andy Eads is sharing his experience and worries after his recent results.

Judge Eads is no stranger to the science and research of COVID-19 as part of his work. But now, the virus has hit on a personal level.

The judge says he’s experiencing mild symptoms and says test results for other family members are pending.

“My wife and daughter are getting tested, and we’re waiting to get those results back,” he said. “We’ll see where that takes us. Hopefully, they will be okay.”

Judge Eads got a phone call on Monday. It was the day before what would’ve been a regular county commission meeting. The call was an alert that he’d possibly been exposed to the virus. He took precautions immediately.

“I would’ve spoken at a chamber of commerce luncheon. I would’ve exposed our county staff,” he said. “I canceled our commissioners court meeting this week when I found out on Monday. Our meetings are on Tuesday. I switched that to a virtual meeting.”

Denton County was the first in the area to opt-in to the governor’s plan to reopen bars and gave school districts local control over reopening decisions instead of issuing public health orders.

Now, viewing those decisions through his own experience, Judge Eads says it’s much more personal. He shared his thoughts and current perspective, noting he’s also mourned the death of a close family friend from complications of the virus, supported his college student son who survived COVID-19 and is now battling his own case.

“I totally empathize with people who across America who have been going through this as a parent and now as a current patient,” he said. “But it still does not change my viewpoint on the decisions we’ve made for Denton County. I think Denton County has done a great job of trying to keep the county open."

The judge said he feels well and will continue to work from home.