Dallas EMS crew sent home for not wearing masks
Dallas EMS crew sent home for not wearing masks
Dallas Fire-Rescue would not confirm whether the firefighter-paramedics involved have been tested or have been back at work, citing HIPAA restrictions, but McDade said they are under quarantine.
DALLAS - On a day when the country was reminded that COVID-19 does not discriminate, and precautions must be taken, FOX 4 has learned that Dallas Fire-Rescue is investigating why one of its EMS crew took their masks off while dealing with a COVID-19 patient on Sunday.
“It happened. It’s inexcusable. We know that. They understand that it’s inexcusable,” Dallas Fire Fighters Association President Jim McDade said.
A statement from the department reads, “…this matter is under investigation, and the appropriate disciplinary actions will be determined upon its conclusion.”
Dallas Fire-Rescue would not confirm whether the firefighter-paramedics involved have been tested or have been back at work, citing HIPAA restrictions, but McDade said they are under quarantine.
“As of yesterday, we had 18 members quarantined and seven isolated,” he said.
Dallas Fire-Rescue policy requires that members wear masks to every EMS-related response.
Not to mention, the state remains under a mask mandate.
The DFR directive from April states, “all on-duty members must wear a department issued face mask or surgical mask.”
“We’re making thousands of runs. Mistakes happen,” McDade said.
The crew members involved could still face disciplinary actions.
The department declined an interview, or any further comment.