Dallas compliance code officers educate people in the zip code with the highest number of COVID-19 cases

Several Dallas neighborhoods got visits from code compliance officers on Thursday.

The door-to-door campaign wasn’t about issuing violations, but educating people in the zip code with the highest number of COVID-19 cases.

On Wednesday, the officers went businesses, and a day later, they visited individual homes, meeting with people in their comfort zone to get out a message that could be life saving for some.

“Our goal is to try to get as much information out there to let these folks know some of the things they need to do to be safe,” one officer said.

There were about 30 city of Dallas code enforcement officers armed with pamphlets in English and Spanish.

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“Please be safe. Wear your PPE at all times. If you do have to engage or somebody wants to speak, make sure you keep that social distance,” they told the officers.

Going door-to-door in an area of Southeastern Dallas County, which is more than 80 percent Hispanic.

The 75211 zip code alone has the most infections in the county, with an estimated 1,400-1,800 cases.

Hispanics account for 50 percent of total cases across the county. 

House visits could be key. 

“It’s where the heart of the issue may be. There are a lot of homes in this area that are multi-generational,” code compliance officer Paul Ramon said. “Most of this area are essential workers, construction and so forth. And we want to make sure that while they are out, they know how to be safe.”

Compliance officers targeted business owners on Wednesday with promising results.

“Had a good conversation with Tom Thumb on Hampton. They are actually wanting for us to give then flyers to put in each bag as the customer leaves the facility,” Ramon said.

When they do see a code violation, homeowners receive a notification, but no citation.

“I think that we need people to come and tell us to be careful,” homeowner Julia Guerrero said.

And the compliance officers who are going door-to-door in the area where the coronavirus is spending fast volunteered to be there because the mission is that important. 

“We asked for help and this is what we got. What do you think about it? I think it’s amazing,” Ramon said.  

There were few citations given to businesses, as most were in compliance. 

Officers will be back out Friday to meet with more people.

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