Dallas ceremony honors fallen officers during National Police Week

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A ceremony was held in Downtown Dallas Wednesday to honor the city’s police officers who were killed in the line of duty.

The entire command staff of the Dallas Police Department alongside city leaders marched into the ceremony at the memorial wall, followed by hundreds of aspiring officers from the police academy.

"We are gathered today to remember and honor the memories of our fallen officers. Those who laid down their lives for the community they swore to serve and protect,” said Chief Renee Hall. “This is more than landmark that reflects the names of 85 souls etched in steel."

The roll call of honor involved calling the names of every Dallas police officer killed in the line of duty, starting with the first in 1892 -- C.O. Brewer on May 24, 1892. It ended with the most recent.

"This past Monday we added another name to our wall of heroes, Officer Rogelio Santander. Officer Santander ended his watch on April 25, 2018 after attempting to bring a criminal to justice,” Hall said.

Family members and friends of fallen officers find comfort in the ceremony, like Officer Santander's partner.

"I remember all the good memories, the good times we had together, we worked together,” Ofc. Richard Campos.

Also in attendance was the mother of Patrick Zamarripa, who was killed along with four other officers in the downtown ambush on July 7, 2016.

"It makes me feel happy that he's not forgotten, none of the others are either,” said Valerie Zamarripa.

The wife of Officer J.D. Tippit, shot and killed by Lee Harvey Oswald in November 1963 hours after the Kennedy assassination, has attended the service for more than a half century.

"It makes me feel good to know that all these people remember. The effort that the police department goes through to put this on, is such a blessing to us,” Marie Tippit said.

Wednesday’s ceremony coincides with National Police Week.