City of Cleburne employees save choking girl

Two Cleburne public works employees are being credited with saving the life of a young girl.

Distiny Shukers and Zackery Overmyer were on the way to clear a fallen tree branch when Shukers spotted a distressed family at a gas station near Williams Avenue and Main Street.

Source: City of Cleburne

The workers pulled into the parking lot and was told that a 2-year-old girl was choking.

Overmeyer began to give firm pats to the girl's back. Eventually, a piece of candy came out of the girl's mouth.

Source: City of Cleburne

"The dad looked me in the eyes, kind of gave me a hug and thanked me," Overmeyer said.

"It was so scary. By the time we arrived, the girl was already going limp and turning a shade of blue. I am so glad that we saw it in time," Shukers said.

Overmyer said he learned about medical treatment from his time in the Army.

"He jumped into action. He’s a hero. He definitely knew what to do, and he saved that little girl," said Shukers.
