Boy, officer bust out insane moves in break dance face off

An unexpected dance battle went down between a young boy and Colorado officer and they did not disappoint!

Jayden Anthony Marquez is a talented break-dancer and belongs to a group called ‘Breakfx.’ With help from his mom, Vanessa Marquez, he has been documenting himself performing incredible moves throughout Denver.

While out on a walk around 16th Street Mall he spotted a pair of officers. The 7-year-old approached the cops to ask if he could do a hand plant and record a video with them. They happily obliged and that is when the unexpected happened.

Shortly after Jayden’s demonstration, one of the officers got in formation and tore it up! 

Throughout the video, the pair can be seen taking turns serving some superb moves— ones that some of us wish we had. 

“We were not expecting him to be a b-boy,” Vanessa told FOX 5. 

In all honesty, we were not expecting the officer to go that hard either!

The friendly encounter was posted to Jayden’s Instagram page, where you can find other videos of him in action. 

Kid's got major moves!