Baron, dog maimed and nose removed, shows off new nose

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There's good news from the Michigan Humane Society: Baron the dog is already testing out his new nose and he looks handsome as ever!

The MHS shared new photos of Baron, just days after his operation to reconstruct the nose that he lost when someone cut it off. Baron was discovered in January near Livernois and Warren with its ears and nose cut off as well as deep cuts to its back legs and tail. The dog's eyes were also injured.

On Wednesday, Baron was operated on by Dr. Bryden Stanley from the Michigan State University Veterinary Medical Center. The day-long surgery was an attempt to reconstruct his nose and fix his tail. Work on his ears and eyes will come later.

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He was originally discovered by someone who noticed he was extremely thin. When they coaxed him into a nearby business, they realized he had been brutally mutilated and called the Michigan Humane Society.

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"The nose has been removed, both ears have been removed straight down to the skull," Michigan Humane Society cruelty investigator Mark Ramos said. "The tail has been docked, a large portion of the tail has been removed  and there's large abrasions on his back legs."

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There's currently a $40,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of who is responsible for the dog's awful treatment. If you know anything, call the MHS hotline at (313) 872-3401.
