Azle teen hurt in bull riding accident recovering at home after miraculous recovery

An Azle 17-year-old is thanking God for a miraculous recovery after a bull-riding injury nearly killed him.

A 1,500-pound bull kicked the high school competitor in the neck, damaging a major artery. Doctors thought he would need several weeks in the hospital. But just two weeks later, he's back at home with his family.

Doctors’ initial prognosis for Alex Aguilar changed for the better without much explanation. His family however believes prayers and their strong faith is behind it. 

Alex made it to six seconds on that competition ride two weeks ago just before he was seriously injured. He says he remembers the accident.

"I remember walking out of that arena with my hand right here and my neck was burning a lot," he said.

Despite the severity of the impact, Alex is back at home, moving around and getting in a little exercise with friends but taking it easy.

"We have a lot of hope, and our faith is nonstop," said his mother, Daniela Aguilar. "We really believe Alex is a miracle."

The bull’s kick caused an aneurysm in a major artery in Alex’s neck.

MORE: Azle teen hurt in bull riding accident leaning on faith during road to recovery

Doctors initially felt treatment and observation would require at least three weeks in the hospital. However, a remarkable improvement occurred after eight days.  He was released with strict orders for recovery at home. 

Alex says the moment still haunts him.

"I’m not going to lie to you, I have nightmares about it. It’s still hard," he said. "Bull riding, you’re dealing with bulls. It’s not like you can tell what’s going to happen because you never know. You just got to do your best."

Alex and his family believe their trust in God is at work. He’s thankful to friends and rodeo teammates who cheered for him outside the hospital on top of the parking deck, to those who dropped off rodeo mementos and for the prayers and well wishes from people all around, including his bull riding role models.

"I feel like God was with me every step in the hospital. I knew I was going to be healed," he said. "I knew God was healing me, working on that. Yeah, I feel blessed."

Alex cannot participate in any physical events for at least six to eight months. But beyond that, he is not ruling out bull riding again. 

Azle teen released from the hospital after bull riding accident