Attorney says proposed Boy Scouts sex abuse settlement isn't enough

The Boy Scouts of America, based in Irving, has proposed one of the largest agreements in U.S. history to victims of child sex abuse.

The $850 million payout is more than double the initial offer for compensation, but attorneys for several victims say it is still not enough.

The sum would be divided up by the 82,000 abuse survivors. Attorney Mike Pfau represents 1,100 of them says $10,000 is far too low. Rather than a typical day in court, victims are instead hoping for justice through bankruptcy proceedings. 

"It is not a perfect process. In some way it takes away survivor's voice. A survivor in Texas can't go to court and have a jury decide what they should receive," Pfau said.

BSA filed for bankruptcy when thousands of claims turned into tens of thousands. 

"I think everyone was shocked by the number," Pfau said.

BSA came to an agreement with attorneys representing a large number of abuse survivors. 

"I think across the board, clients have said this is just way too low. Let me be clear, no dollar amount, no number will ever make up for what many most or all of them have suffered," Pfau said.

Pfau says his firm will file an objection to the agreement. BSA sees it differently.

"This significant step toward a global resolution benefits the entire Scouting community, as this agreement will help local councils make their contributions to the Trust without additional drain on their assets, and will allow them to move forward with the national organization toward emergence from bankruptcy." 

Dallas attorney Tahira Merritt, not a party in this case, says many Texas survivors were barred from bringing their cases against BSA. 

"In Texas, the law limits cases as old as those," Merritt said.

Merritt, who has represented dozens of sexual abuse survivors, says victims deserve more transparency about the finances of the local chapters and insurance companies. 

"Regardless of what happens, whether the judge approves or there’s further litigation, I hope they feel their voice has been heard by the public, and the Boy Scouts organization going forward will be mindful that child protection should be number one," Merritt said.

Before a judge approves the agreement, all 82,000 survivors will cast a vote.

RELATED: Boy Scouts of America reaches $850M agreement with victims

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