State Fair of Texas opens for drive-thru food event

The pandemic forced the cancellation of the State Fair of Texas but there’s still a way to get some of the experience, fried food, Fletcher’s corny dogs and even Midway prizes.

The Big Tex Fair Food Drive-Thru opens Friday at 10 a.m. and runs every Friday, Saturday and Sunday in September and October.

People must reserve a time slot online and pick a package. Prices start at $65 and vary depending on how much food is ordered.

The packages include fair favorites like Fletcher’s corny dog, kettle corn, fried Oreos, turkey legs and even a professional photo with Big Tex, who is wearing a face mask this year.

“I’ve never been able to describe the feeling it is, the amount of love and support the community has given my family. But again being here almost 80 years you would hope to have that kind of love and support. So grateful and really just read to get cooking and start serving corny dogs,” said Amber Fletcher with Fletcher’s.

Dallas Mayor Eric Johnson brought his two sons out for the experience Friday morning.

"This is a pretty creative solution to a challenge. That's been difficult dealing with COVID-19 in a lot of different aspects and we were hopeful we'd be able to come up with something to give people in our city to look forward to. And the state fair is obviously a huge part of our city's history. I love the fair. My family loves the fair. So I was hopeful they'd come up with something that captured some of the magic of the fair but kept people safe. And they've done it," he said.

People can even play a special Midway game without ever getting out of their vehicles.

“It’s really cool because we’re doing this on this side and doing the food drive-through and serving those people. But on the other side, we’re actually doing our livestock shows too in a safe way. And so it all comes together. So we’re really putting on a small event that’s not like the fair but it’s something that’s really great and good for the public out there,” said Rusty Fitzgerald, the senior vice president for the State Fair of Texas. “I think Texans are really resilient. We can figure out a way to do anything. And it’s just a little piece of the fair that we can put out there.”

Proceeds from the event will help support the vendors and State Fair of Texas' scholarships, as well as fund the 2021 fair.