Senior golden retriever gets 'seeing-eye puppy' after losing his eyes
Courtesy Charlie and Maverick/Instagram
MOORESVILLE, N. C. (FOX 13) - When Charlie the golden retriever lost his sight to glaucoma, his human mom and dad were not sure how their 11-year-old furry friend would get along.
But Charlie's human's quickly put together a plan to help their best friend and, thankfully, the North Carolina couple is documenting the journey on Instagram.
Earlier this week, the Instagram profile Charlie and Maverick was created to share Charlie's journey with his new, 4-month-old 'seeing-eye puppy.'
In their first post, Charlie and Maverick introduced themselves as "just a couple of happy pups."
"Charlie had glaucoma which led to his double enucleation (both eyes removed). Now, Maverick is here to help Charlie around and Charlie is trying to teach Maverick manners," the post said, adding that the manners part was a work in progress.
Photos of the senior golden and his new little buddy have captured the hearts of tens of thousands on social media. In just 4 days, Charlie and Maverick have almost 40,000 followers.
In a video posted on their page, Maverick playfully growls at Charlie in a game of tug-of-war. Despite not being able to see, Charlie wins and retreats with his prize.
Even though Maverick was brought in to help Charlie during this new stage in his life, the two seem to be helping each other every step of the way.
To see more from Charlie and Maverick, visit their Instagram page.
FOX 13 News reported on this story from Tampa, Florida.