Ponder student athletes team up to help clean tornado damage

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Ponder athletes clean up tornado damage at marina

Dozens of Ponder High School and Junior High School athletes came together to help clean Ray Roberts Marina in Sanger. The marina was badly damaged after a tornado tore through the area on May 26.

Dozens of Ponder High School and Junior High School athletes came together to help clean Ray Roberts Marina in Sanger.

The marina was badly damaged after a tornado tore through the area on May 26. 

Athletes from football, basketball, volleyball, sport fishing, track and field and more gathered at the marina on Wednesday to remove debris.

"I’ve got a little scratch on my arm here, I’ve got some cuts on my legs, every now and then I got eaten up by some bugs," said junior Taelynn Harrison. "it’s a big responsibility to be here, helping out our community and our neighboring communities like Sanger."

Track team member Carmen Knoles was taken aback by the damage left behind by the storm.

"When we pulled up I was very shocked to see how much fell down, all the trash and stuff," said Knoles.

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More than a dozen people huddled together and braced for the impact inside the walk-in cooler.

The athletes filled about 12 to 16 dumpsters with trash, dumping them out and refilling them over time. 

"It’s really impressive, just a sense of camaraderie with all these people helping," junior Makson Allred said.